AOK (German Health Insurance) Website

This is the online customer portal of the German health insurance company AOK. They have an extensive set of rules for both passwords and usernames. The password rules are:

  • Length between 8 and 14 characters
  • At least one letter, one number and one special character
  • Special characters are: !@$%/=?`+@#_.;:{}|
  • The password must not start with ? or !
  • The password must not include the username
  • The password must not be the same as any of your previous passwords

The rules for the username are:

  • Length between 1 and 12 characters
  • No umlauts allowed (äöü), no special characters, no spaces, no ., no _, no ß

AOK (German Health Insurance) dumb password rule screenshot
AOK (German Health Insurance) dumb password rule screenshot